We’ve all been there: tired, without a shower or makeup for days, drinking cold coffee and feeling down. There’s always something to do, right? Lunches to prepare, babies to change, dishes to be done, laundry to fold and this last minute school project. So forgetting about your medical appointment, not seeing friends for months, not getting a real haircut and putting yourself last is the norm, right?
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can take some time for yourself, if only 10 minutes a day.
Kids of happy moms are happier, kids of moms who take care of themselves will know how to take care of themselves in the future, and kids of moms who set their boundaries will know how to set them for themselves too.
So mom, stop putting yourself last! Drink that coffee while it’s still warm, let your hubby put the kids to sleep, and go meet that friend that you were supposed to call two months ago!
It’s ok to take the time for yourself. And here are four easy steps to help you with that:
1. Make your kids wait a little.
I know, as a mom, that kids are not very patient creatures. But give them a couple of days, and they’ll learn that mummy’s coffee break is not to be disturbed.
2. Mark the day in the calendar for some extra me-time.
Find a baby sitter, a family member or a friend and take some time off to do what you like doing, without kids!
3. Ask your hubby to help you with one task a day.
It doesn’t have to be a big change, but if you don’t have the time to take a shower, or put makeup on, then it means you need help. And wasn’t it supposed to be in sickness and in health type of the deal? Well, consider it a good timing to test this one!
4. Plan your day.
You don’t need a fancy calendar to start being intentional with your plans. Plan your whole day down on paper, including kids naps, meals, play time and your little break. (PS. if you’re mornings are as crazy and chaotic as mine, you’ve gotta check out Make Over Your Mornings!)
5. Write down your dreams, and start calling them plans.
The only difference between a dream and a goal is a plan. So write down what is that you really want and what are the steps to achieve that. Then look at those steps, and divide them in to even smaller ones. And then add them to your day plan.
I know it’s not easy to start focusing on your needs, with the constant movement of a family life, but for the sake of your kids, and your sanity, it’s worth trying!
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I’m Joanna, the writer, photographer and content creator behind the Lazy Mom’s Blog. I have a master’s degree in psychology, so I’m passionate by all that’s human nature, behavior and culture. I love sharing my parenting tips, homemaking advice, recipes and crafts.
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