I can’t ever seem to drink enough water.
I can’t tell you what it is about drinking water that is such a pain to me, but I find it becoming more of a chore than anything else. And I’m always forgetting. Sometimes, if I’m being honest, I get to dinner and realize oh no, I’ve had zero water today.
Do you have the same problem?
They always say it takes 30 days to break a habit, so I figure that it should also take 30 days to create a habit.
Enter the 30 day water challenge.
The plan is to print this free challenge and place it wherever you spend most of your day. Maybe it will be at your office or on your refrigerator door. Each time you drink a glass of water color one of the glasses in. (It can make for a pretty colorful piece of art to look at once you are about half way through.)
And while you’re at it, you should try my 30 Day De-Clutter Challenge or my 30 Day Happiness Challenge! You should also check out Make Over Your Mornings if they are as crazy as mine were.
Click here to print.
Here are some of my favorite hacks for remembering to drink your water, besides this awesome printable challenge.
Water Drinking Hacks
Set an alarm.
If you can’t remember to drink your water, do what you do for anything you need reminded of, set an alarm!
Get a cup you love.
You might think it’s silly, but I really drink more water when I’ve just gotten a fun new tumblr like this one. (Plus they keep your water cold.)
Or use plastic bottles.
Maybe I’m just lazy, but I find I drink more when I can just grab a plastic throw away bottle of water from the fridge.
Change your phone wall paper.
You look at your phone all day long (I know you do) so every time you turn it on get a water reminder. It’s like the 2017 version of a post-it note.
Here’s to getting hydrated!
Liz is a just a mom trying to keep it real about how little she sleeps, how often she gets puked on and how much she loves them. You can find her here every day writing about real-mom moments.