I am totally loving this social media detox challenge. Look, I understand that some of you might wonder what the big deal is, and simply say, hey stop checking your phone.
But when you’re in a habit, it can be hard to break. Most of us are checking our phones and social media far to often, so if you’re looking to cut back without going crazy and just tossing it in the trash, this is for you.
I really think doing these small steps will make you realize how nice it is to break away from the internet and readjust your mindset a bit. After this is all done maybe you’ll be less likely to mindlessly scroll through your phone all day.
Two Week Social Media Detox Challenge
- Delete unused apps
- Turn off all push notifications
- Start leaving your phone in a seperate room when you go to bed
- Unfollow people that aren’t friends or don’t interest you
- Limit all social media to one 30 minute window
- No checking your phone until all morning duties are complete
- No phones during meal time
- No Instagram or Twitter all day long
- Put your phone away for two straight hours
- No phone until after work/school
- No Facebook all day long
- Go somewhere and leave your phone at home
- No social media all day
- No phone for an entire day
I think this would be a great thing for the whole family to do!
Make sure to check out my other challenges like the 30 Day Declutter Challenge and the 30 Day Happiness Challenge.
Liz is a just a mom trying to keep it real about how little she sleeps, how often she gets puked on and how much she loves them. You can find her here every day writing about real-mom moments.