While I was under the knife for my c-section with Paityn I had my tube tied – singular, not plural, since I only have one. This was the plan from the beginning. From the moment we found out we were pregnant we knew this would be our last. We were never sure if we wanted a second, although I did want Brady to have a sibling. I’m not a fan of pregnancy and I knew this time would be even more difficult than the last.
My initial plan was to intend on a tubal if everything went well buy leave it open for change if things didn’t work out. Frankly? If our baby was extremely early and didn’t make it. I wanted the chance to try for number two again.
Then we came close to having that exact scenario when I went on hospital bed rest at 24 weeks. Not long after we had to have that difficult conversation again. Tie them or leave the option open? My heart was set on having two babies by this point and of course was thrilled I was having a little girl. I was also laying in a hospital bed an hour from my family and getting needles poked at me constanty along with many uncomfortable exams. Our whole family was suffering and the end was nowhere in sight.
If I were to get pregnant for a third time I would go through it all again. I would be on bed rest all over again and the chance of loosing another baby would still be high. I would have to suffer through it all again and so would my son, my husband, my whole family. I couldn’t do that to them and I couldn’t do it to myself.
So the choice was tying them regardless of the outcome of this pregnancy. I felt content and peaceful with our decision and never once felt like it was anything but the best choice for our family.
Thankfully it all ended well with a happy, healthy, incredibly strong baby. I never had the chance to regret or second guess. My doctor confirmed with me several times before delivering that it was still what I wanted to do and my answer never waivered. Yes.
I’m so blessed to have these two beautiful children but so relieved to be done with the baby making. As many great memories I have from it all, this last pregnancy will remain as one of the worst times of my life. So many thanks are given daily that it ended in smiles, happy tears and incredible love.
Liz is a just a mom trying to keep it real about how little she sleeps, how often she gets puked on and how much she loves them. You can find her here every day writing about real-mom moments.
Crystal Renee says
They are both so darn precious! You did what was right for YOU & YOUR family. These decisions are solely made within each other. I am glad that you are at peace with your decision. I had mine tied as well.. & I am at complete peace with it as well.
Ashley says
Gorgeous picture! I can’t imagine how difficult that decision must have been to make but it sounds like you are at peace and that’s what matters. I too wonder about how difficult my 2nd pregnancy will be.
beka says
I’m sorry that you had such a difficult pregnancy with little Paityn as I’m sure that made the decision more complicated to make.
I am SO glad that it all turned out well and everyone is healthy – and now you have two beautiful babies! Glad to hear that your decision is regret-free!
Shanny says
I’m so happy that everything did turn out ok and with two amazing babies. I also tied my tubes and while I feel a bit sad I know it was the right decision.
You are blesses with a wonderful family, enjoy them =)
Kristen says
I agree with Shanny, I know tying my tubes was the right thing for me and my family but it does make me sad sometimes. Just the longing for what will never be I guess!
mary jo wietrzykowski says
i have 4 kids. 3 boys and finally got one girl then i cut no more baby. go home rest for 8 weeks and my blood pm stop. 1 week later i got heavy alots of blood pm for 3 days blood on my bed n pants n short i am sick n tired of that so how long will blood pm take ? i want it stop. ugh. i m not happy.