We’ve all heard our kids say completely creepy things that sometimes freak us out. But the kids I’m writing about today scare the bejeebus out of me. I’m sure they are cute and precious and smart. Little ones always are. However, when a toddler starts talking about how they died “before,” I am not too proud to run away screaming.
Truly Creepy Things Little Kids Say
Here are some stories folks tell about their own kids, themselves as a child, or a child they know.
If your little cutie has said something a little on the creepy side, please share. I find this topic super interesting, even if it terrifies me!
1. This is what GreyhoundMummy said about her little boy.
When my youngest son was three, we were driving through a part of town we don’t often visit and he pointed out a house. “That’s where my first mummy lived when I used to be a little girl. She wasn’t nice to me. I was very scared of her. I’m glad you’re my mummy now.”
2. Oh my lord. I have to say pink-mercedes gave me chills.
My little brother used to tell my mom and I that he died when he was 11, by being hit by a car. He said our mom was his mom before and when he died she was crying at his headstone. He said this many times between when he could first talk til he was about 6 or so, so it wasn’t a one time thing. Always was 11, always by being hit by a car, it was always our mom crying at his headstone.
3. Ummmmm, say what now? Isthatyourhair tells this story. (One of the super creepy stories that will definitely keep me awake tonight.)
My two year old said to me one night, “I used to be a little boy, didn’t I mummy? Until the fire came! Now I live with you and I’m a little girl!”
4. What the actual hell, workyworky23? Having hands? What does that EVEN MEAN?
My friend’s little girl said to her family, when she was two, “I came to earth this time to see what it’s like to be a human. And I LOVE having hands, it’s so great!”
5. Dear terminallysuburban, this makes me happy and also makes me want to turn on all the lights.
… my son used to talk about “the light before the darkness” for as long as I can remember. We aren’t Christian, he had no exposure to religion when it began but he always insisted that he remembered the warm bright light before he was born.
Around 3 he told me that it’s light and then dark when you’re born and I corrected him and he very earnestly explained that I was wrong — that you start in the warm white light, move to darkness, and then it’s new light that’s cold and “all crazy” but we’ll go back to the first light one day.
6. This one is from Queenofdan.
When my son was little he had an imaginary friend named “Seddie” (that’s how he pronounced it). He had many adventures with Seddie and even brought him on vacation with us and I’d watch him in our backyard pushing the swing and talking to Seddie. No big deal. I’d hear him in his bedroom talking to him. No biggie.
When he got older, I asked him about Seddie and he told me it was an actual teenage guy in a denim jacket with dark hair and a plaid shirt. I asked if he was scary or mean but he said no, that they could talk about anything. He always thought we could see him, too, until he was about 5 years old.
7. This whole “before” thing in these stories? Straight up frightening. This tale is from keighleywheeliebin.
As he started stringing sentences together he [brother] sat down with my mum and told her “Do you remember before mummy” she said “Before when” to which he replied “Before. When I had a different mummy” my mum simply told him she was his only mummy and he didn’t say anything more.
He then spoke to me and told me he remembered when I came out of mummys tummy. I told him that he can’t remember it because he wasn’t born yet. He got pretty irate with me and said “Not when I was born this time. Before”. I asked what he meant. “Before. When I wasn’t YOUR brother. When I was mummys brother a long time ago.”
See what I mean? These are pretty creepy things, right?
8. And just like that, I drop this little guy at his Grandma’s house. Credit Hrutherford23 on Buzzfeed.
“Our oldest son is named after a marine that was [killed in action] on my husband’s last deployment. On a drive to my sister-in-law’s house, we passed the military base where is namesake is buried. We had never visited his grave with our then three-year-old. As we were driving right past the area where his grave is, our son tells us just matter-of-factly, ‘I’m buried over there.'”We stop our conversation and ask him to repeat himself.
“‘I’m buried over there in the ground. You know, from when I died when I was fighting bad guys with daddy. Before I was your kid,’ [he said], and then just went back to whatever three-year-old game he was playing.
“We had never even visited that side of the city we were in. He had no clue that the graveyard was even there.”
9. A Chinese mailman? How would a kid this young have any idea? via Redditor HighDingyDo
“Apparently, when I was just old enough to talk in sentences, I’d walk around the house and backyard with a large cloth bag that I found in my mom’s closet.
“Mom asked me one day why I always wore the bag slung over my shoulder. I told her it was for ‘delivering messages, like I did in China.’
“This became a recurring theme, and I’d often mention little details about my past life in China. When my parents asked if I had a Chinese name, I’d say ‘You can just call me Bob.'”
10. Okay. When a 4-year-old starts talking about his wife in the cold water of the Titanic… OMG. Autumnwaters
“My 4-year-old nephew talks about being on the Titanic all the time. He said he was with his wife and that it was really cold. And every time he watches a movie with boats or bodies of water he gets freaked out and wants it to turn off. He says he misses some lady but refuses to say her name.”
Has your kiddo ever said any completely scary stuff?
Please, please, PLEASE tell us in the comments. I can’t wait to read them.
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Sher Bailey is a writer in the Midwest who believes the power of humor, Mod Podge, and grandkids can fix most problems in life. You can find her at SherBailey.com.
Jessica says
These things really do sound creepy.