Most days, I feel warn out.
Motherhood keeps you going almost every hour of the day – even the hours when the sun is down and everyone should be sleeping. It’s a hard job and sometimes it’s easy to get so stressed out and warn down that you begin to feel unhappy.
I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that these realizations can help you be a happier mom. (PS. If mornings are leaving you frazzled and crazy you’ve gotta check out Make Over Your Mornings. Starting your day well makes all the difference.)
4 Realizations To Make Yourself A Happier Mom
1. The “other moms” are NOT better than you. They are different from you. Maybe you’re not the best at planning and cooking dinners, but you’re the absolute best storyteller there is and can make up bedtime stories your kids go crazy for. That is a great skill to have!
Stop for a minute and think of something you’re really, really great at – even if it’s something small. Congratulate yourself on your amazingness and let go of the things you don’t excel at. NO ONE does EVERYTHING well. (Even if they pretend they do.)
2. Your house is going to look like garbage 90% of the time. Accept it. Own it. You can clean all day long and by the time you go to bed it will be a mess again.
I swear, by yesterday afternoon my house house was looking immaculate. Well, the downstairs at least. By the time the sun went down the playroom had been turned into an obstacle course and both sides of the sink were filled with dishes. How it got that messy, that fast, I don’t know. I’ll never understand it.
Enjoy it while it’s clean and relax through the mess because guess what? There’s nothing you can do about it.
3. You can only pick one. I feel like everyday I can only be good at one or two things. If the kids and I had a really fun and active day (maybe a trip to the library and the park) then the dishes have pilled up. If I did a really great job on housework, then we didn’t get to any learning activities. I can never do it all.
And you know what? On the days that I get just a little of everything accomplished – which is probably ideal – I feel like I don’t have enough to show for it.
The cure to that is to pick one thing and rock it. Knowing you did one thing that day really well makes you feel accomplished, even if it’s something small. “You can do anything, but not everything.” – David Allen
4. This too shall pass. I know, you’re sick of hearing how you’ll miss this stage when they’re older. But you know it’s true. I look at my five year old son and I’m telling you, when I went to bed last night he was a newborn baby. How does the time fly like this?
Have you heard that country song It Won’t Be Like This For Long? Listen to it. Every stage you’re in will be over before you know it. The crying baby, the messy toddler, the back-talking kindergartner… On the hard days remind yourself, this too shall pass and embrace the moment you’re in.
I think the best way to become a happier mom is just acceptance. Take a breath and just accept the messiness of motherhood.
I encourage you to check this out: The Organic Parenting e-course is unconventional, deep, personal, spiritual and powerfully effective. You deserve to (and truly can) thrive as a mama.
Liz is a just a mom trying to keep it real about how little she sleeps, how often she gets puked on and how much she loves them. You can find her here every day writing about real-mom moments.