Brady and his classmates were tasked at school to bring a sheet of paper decorated in some way of the things they’re thankful for. This is the first year we’ve done this with him and his answers did not disappoint.
I tried not to influence him by making suggestions, so these are all from his little brain… except one. Dad was pointing to me for him to say he was thankful for mom but he took that as him directing him to be thankful for heads. So, he’s thankful we have heads. But really, aren’t we all thankful for that?
What Brady is Thankful for This Year
- The Chiefs
- That we have heads
- My sister
- That Paityn and me love each other
- That Paityn and me have fun together
- Daddy
- My Tablet
- Our breath
- Mommy
- Food
We are so very thankful for YOU, Brady Madden.
Liz is a just a mom trying to keep it real about how little she sleeps, how often she gets puked on and how much she loves them. You can find her here every day writing about real-mom moments.
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