In the wee morning hours of Tuesday, May 22nd, the day I turned 36 weeks pregnant, I woke up with what I would call pretty intense contractions. At least the most intense contractions I’ve ever felt. I couldn’t sleep and the pain made it difficult to even walk to the bathroom. I decided around 6am to go sit on the couch, focus, and time them out. I had an appointment for one of my weekly NST’s at 9am but was certain I wasn’t going to make it that long. Slowly, the contractions died down and dwindled to a small one here or there with no pattern.
Sher Bailey is a writer in the Midwest who believes the power of humor, Mod Podge, and grandkids can fix most problems in life. You can find her at
Uzo says
Congratulations!! She’s adorable. I’m curious whether you got steroid shots earlier to help develop her lungs.
Krystal says
Congratulations Mommy!!! You are amazing!!! And, and, and… Your baby girl is so beautiful!!!
Anna & Kirby says
awww… sweet story 🙂 I’m expecting a c-section on Thursday and I’m scared to death (this is our first baby and I’ve never had any kind of surgery in my life) so this post help me a bit. Thanks!
BTW- she’s precious 🙂
Anna & Kirby says
awww… sweet story 🙂 I’m expecting a c-section on Thursday and I’m scared to death (this is our first baby and I’ve never had any kind of surgery in my life) so this post help me a bit. Thanks!
BTW- she’s precious 🙂
Anna & Kirby says
awww… sweet story 🙂 I’m expecting a c-section on Thursday and I’m scared to death (this is our first baby and I’ve never had any kind of surgery in my life) so this post help me a bit. Thanks!
BTW- she’s precious 🙂
beka says
Such a wonderful story and SO glad that it all turned out so very well.